{{ $copyFor }}

@php $colorBlock = '#f8a306'; @endphp @if ($student['class_id'] >= 10 && $student['class_id'] <= 12) Humanitas - PECHS
KARACHI @php $colorBlock = '#3AA28B'; @endphp @elseif ($feeChallan['campus_name'] == 'Clifton Campus') Veritas Learning Circle - Clifton
KARACHI @else Veritas Learning Circle - PECHS
KARACHI @endif
1Bill Invoice ID : {{ $feeChallan['one_bill_id'] }}
1 Bill Amount @php $challanAmount = is_numeric($feeChallan['challan_amount']) ? $feeChallan['challan_amount'] : 0; $transactionCharges = is_numeric($setting['blinq_transaction_charges']) ? $setting['blinq_transaction_charges'] : 0; $totalAmount = number_format($challanAmount + $transactionCharges, 0, '.', ','); @endphp {{ $totalAmount }}

You may use this link for payment through debit/credit card or wallet accounts (easypaisa and JazzCash). Use the 1-Bill invoice ID to search your payment details.


Click here to pay with : {{ $feeChallan['click_to_pay_url_link'] }}


@php $dueDate = \Carbon\Carbon::parse($feeChallan['challan_due_date']); $validityDate = $dueDate->copy()->addDays($feeChallan['challan_validity_days']); @endphp

KUICKPAY ID: {{ $feeChallan['kuickpay_id'] }}


Voucher Number: {{ $feeChallan['challan_no'] }}

Due Date: {{ $dueDate->format('M d, Y') }}

VALIDITY DATE: {{ $validityDate->format('M d, Y') }}

LEARNER'S NAME: {{ ucwords($student['full_name']) }}

GRADE: {{ $student['lookup_class_section_id_name'] }}

REGISTRATION NO: {{ $student['roll_no'] }}

@if (!empty($feeChallan['student_fee_tag']) && $feeChallan['student_fee_tag'] == 'Quarter') {{ \Carbon\Carbon::create($feeChallan['challan_year_from'], $feeChallan['challan_month_from'], 1)->format('M Y') }} - {{ \Carbon\Carbon::create($feeChallan['challan_year_to'], $feeChallan['challan_month_to'], 1)->format('M Y') }} @elseif (empty($feeChallan['student_fee_tag'])) @php $start = \Carbon\Carbon::create( $feeChallan['challan_year_from'], $feeChallan['challan_month_from'], 1, ); $end = \Carbon\Carbon::create( $feeChallan['challan_year_to'], $feeChallan['challan_month_to'], 1, ); $dates = []; while ($start->lte($end)) { $dates[] = $start->format('M Y'); $start->addMonth(); } @endphp {{ implode(', ', $dates) }} @else {{ \Carbon\Carbon::create($feeChallan['challan_year_from'], $feeChallan['challan_month_from'], 1)->format('M Y') }} @endif
@php $rowCount = 0; @endphp @isset($feeChallan['student_fee_tag']) @php $rowCount ++; @endphp @if ($feeChallan['student_fee_tag'] == 'Quarter') @php $tuitionFees = isset($feeTarrif['tution_fees']) && is_numeric($feeTarrif['tution_fees']) ? $feeTarrif['tution_fees'] : 0; $totalFees = number_format($tuitionFees * 3, 0, '.', ','); @endphp @elseif (empty($feeChallan['student_fee_tag'])) @php // Handle the case when student_fee_tag is null $tuitionFees = isset($feeTarrif['tution_fees']) && is_numeric($feeTarrif['tution_fees']) ? $feeTarrif['tution_fees'] : 0; $monthsCounts = isset($feeChallan['advance_tag_months']) && is_numeric($feeChallan['advance_tag_months']) ? $feeChallan['advance_tag_months'] : 1; $totalFees = number_format($tuitionFees * $monthsCounts, 0, '.', ','); @endphp @else @php $tuitionFees = isset($feeTarrif['tution_fees']) && is_numeric($feeTarrif['tution_fees']) ? $feeTarrif['tution_fees'] : 0; $totalFees = number_format($tuitionFees, 0, '.', ','); @endphp @endif @endisset @empty($feeChallan['student_fee_tag']) @php // Handle the case when student_fee_tag is null $tuitionFees = isset($feeChallan['tution_fees']) && is_numeric($feeChallan['tution_fees']) ? $feeChallan['tution_fees'] : 0; $totalFees = number_format($tuitionFees, 0, '.', ','); $rowCount++; @endphp @endempty @if (!empty($feeChallan['annual_fees']) && $feeChallan['annual_fees'] != '0') @php $rowCount ++; @endphp @endif @if (!empty($feeChallan['additional_amount']) && $feeChallan['additional_amount'] != '0') @php $rowCount ++; @endphp @endif @php $feeHeads = json_decode($feeChallan['fee_challan_heads'], true); @endphp @if (is_array($feeHeads)) @foreach ($feeHeads as $feeHead) @php $rowCount ++; @endphp @endforeach @endif @foreach ($taxes as $feeTax) @php $rowCount ++; @endphp @endforeach @php $discounts = json_decode($feeChallan['fee_challan_discounts'], true); @endphp @isset($feeChallan['student_fee_tag']) @if (is_array($discounts)) @foreach ($discounts as $feeDiscount) @php $rowCount ++; @endphp @if ($feeChallan['student_fee_tag'] == 'Quarter') @if (strpos($feeDiscount['discount_name'], 'Annual') !== false) @else @endif @elseif (empty($feeChallan['student_fee_tag'])) @php $monthsCounts = isset($feeChallan['advance_tag_months']) && is_numeric($feeChallan['advance_tag_months']) ? $feeChallan['advance_tag_months'] : 1; @endphp @if (strpos($feeDiscount['discount_name'], 'Annual') !== false) @else @endif @else @endif @endforeach @endif @endisset @if (!empty($feeChallan['additional_discount'])) @php $rowCount ++; @endphp @endif @if (empty($feeChallan['fee_challan_arrear'])) @php $rowCount ++; @endphp @for ($i = $rowCount; $i < 17; $i++) @endfor @endif @if (!empty($feeChallan['fee_challan_arrear'])) @php $rowCount ++; @endphp @for ($i = $rowCount; $i < 5; $i++) @endfor @endif @if (!empty($feeChallan['fee_challan_arrear'])) @php $arrears = json_decode($feeChallan['fee_challan_arrear'], true); @endphp @foreach ($arrears as $feeChallanArrear) @php $rowCount ++; @endphp @endforeach @endif
billing information amount(pkr)
tuition fee {{ $totalFees }}
tuition fee x {{ $feeChallan['advance_tag_months'] }} {{ $totalFees }}
annual charges {{ number_format($feeChallan['annual_fees'], 0, '.', ',') }}
{{ ucwords($feeChallan['additional_amount_description']) ?? '' }} {{ number_format($feeChallan['additional_amount'], 0, '.', ',') }}
{{ ucwords($feeHead['head_title']) ?? '' }} {{ number_format($feeHead['head_amount'], 0, '.', ',') }}
{{ ucwords($feeTax['tax_name']) }}({{ $feeTax['tax_value'] ?? '' }}%) {{ number_format($feeChallan['challan_tax_amount'], 0, '.', ',') }}
{{ ucwords($feeDiscount['discount_name']) }} ({{ number_format($feeDiscount['discount_value'], 0, '.', ',') }})
{{ ucwords($feeDiscount['discount_name']) }} ({{ number_format($feeDiscount['discount_value'] * 3, 0, '.', ',') }})
{{ ucwords($feeDiscount['discount_name']) }} ({{ number_format($feeDiscount['discount_value'], 0, '.', ',') }})
{{ ucwords($feeDiscount['discount_name']) }} ({{ number_format($feeDiscount['discount_value'] * $monthsCounts, 0, '.', ',') }})
{{ ucwords($feeDiscount['discount_name']) }} ({{ number_format($feeDiscount['discount_value'], 0, '.', ',') }})
{{ ucwords($feeChallan['additional_discount_description']) ?? '' }} ({{ number_format($feeChallan['additional_discount'], 0, '.', ',') }})
Total Dues {{ \Carbon\Carbon::create($feeChallanArrear['challan_arrear_year_from'], $feeChallanArrear['challan_arrear_month_from'], 1)->format('F Y') }} {{ number_format($feeChallanArrear['total_challan_amount'], 0, '.', ',') }}
total fee payable by due date {{ number_format($feeChallan['challan_amount'], 0, '.', ',') }}
total fee payable after due date {{ number_format($feeChallan['challan_amount_after_due_date'], 0, '.', ',') }}

You can pay though your online/internet banking account by selecting Kuickpay and using Kuickpay ID mentioned above.

Click here to pay with : {{ $feeChallan['click_to_pay_url_link'] }}

Developed By Humanitas.